Climate Change

My essay responding to Jöelle Gergis’ Quarterly Essay was published in the subscriber section of Eureka Street on July 12. It is now open to you. I recommend you read Jöelle’s essay, the Quarterly Essay is available on line and in newsagents. Eureka Street is online and has subscriber and open sections. I remember meeting …

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Staying with the trouble

‘Staying with the trouble’, the story of my meeting with Two Pied Oyster Catchers is now published in Dumbo Feather online Two Pied Oyster Catchers It is wintertime. My friends and I are rugged against the cold in beanies, scarves and jackets. Sheltering between boulders  we are protected .The wind blusters around us at Mimosa …

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Encountering Extinction Rebellion

When this composed, silver-haired woman tells us that for the last three days they’ve been protesting with Extinction Rebellion in Melbourne, our eyebrows lift.

In the hot seat

In 2006, climate scientist Dr Joelle Gergis was pulling weeds under Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge on the work-for-the-dole scheme. Centrelink advised removing her PhD from her resume, saying: “It’s not going to help you find a job.” Read the story online at The Age.

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