Seven years ago I wrote the words to this song, and Shawn Whelan wrote the music. Recently Shawn created a soundscape for it, a little of which you can hear in this beautiful rendition, sung with his wife Natalie Sims. The full soundscape is in the soundcloud at the base of the page. It’s been used in September for the Season of Creation at Brunswick Uniting Church. We have recently registered the song with CCLI. The song comes with a dedication to Jan Morgan, an eco-theologian, writer, and gracious lover of the earth who has long inspired me. The title, from a phrase coined by Graeme Garrett. There is permission to use either of these sound files for use in worship, workshops or retreats with the following acknowledgement: The Solid Speech of God, words Julie Perrin, music Shawn Whelan, 2013.
I love this rendition. Warm thanks to Shawn for creating the music for my words

The Solid Speech of God For all beings without speech For plants that sing their silent song For wilderness in wordless prayer The spaciousness for which we long. Who will speak for wild ones now And love the more-than-human-world? Earth calls in tumult and in peace Alive in us like leaves unfurled. Can we hear the voice of God The solid speech of all that is? In rock and water, flowing air In warmth of fire, a Spirit place. Words: Julie Perrin 2013, 2021 Music: Shawn Whelan 2013